Hi Octane Racing - RB26 Cam Cover Baffle Kit
1. Remove Cam Covers, OEM Baffles and the steel mesh.
2. Clean old gasket sealant off the cam covers and fit 2 pieces of the supplied foam end to end as per below.
3. Use a thin smear of gasket sealer around the edge of the cam cover on the ledge where the baffle sits.
4. Install the cam cover baffle and re-install the bolts with blue thread lock, do not over tighten otherwise you may break the bolts.
5. Remove the splash cap from #3 and move to #6 then move #4 to #7. When moving the splash caps you will also need to swap the studs and bolts to mount them ( if you are using aftermarket cam cap studs you do not need to swap the stud position ). Refit cam cap and torque to 9-12NM as per manufacturers specifications.
It is IMPORTANT to only move one splash cap at a time, if you attempt to move them all at the same time you will cause damage to your camshafts. Do NOT move the cam cap, these must remain in their factory location, reinstalling these incorrectly will cause damage to your camshafts. You MUST move both the INTAKE & EXHAUST splash caps from the factory position shown on the exhaust cam below to the required position shown on the intake cam below. All 4 splash caps must be moved to cam caps #6 and #7 for correct operation of the baffles.
6. Refit the cam covers using new gaskets.